Okay... when I said in my last post that I was going to take "a bit of a break", I didn't actually expect it to be almost a year until I posted again.
Not that I haven't been doing anything that last year. Oh, no. But... I admit I haven't been doing much narrative fiction writing.
That's not to say I've been idle. I specify "narrative fiction" for a reason... I have been doing quite a bit of writing for a project that could be called non-narrative fiction. But that's a project that's not going to come to fruition for more than a year yet, and it's not something about which I want to reveal any details right now anyway.
But I've been busy with other things. See, I have a confession to make: writing is not the only thing I want to do. Oh, it definitely is something I want to do, yes. But it's not my only focus. I'm also an actor. (I should be joining the Screen Actors Guild within the next week... and yes, I do have a number of credits on the IMDb--though under a different name than "Zachary Gole", and I'd rather not tell what that name is right now; for the moment I'd rather keep my different pursuits separate.) I also compose music, and hope to release an album within the next few months. I've got a lot of different pursuits, and writing is just one of them.
Does that bode ill for my success as a writer? Well... I hope not. I do want to be a writer. It's not a matter of just throwing different pursuits against the wall and seeing what sticks. I want them all to stick. These are all things I very much want to do.
But yeah, I admit for the last year my writing has been taking something of a back seat to my other pursuits. And I want to change that, because, as I said, it is something I want to do. And I think the novel I wrote during NaNoWriMo last year has a lot of potential once I put it through a few rewrites.
So, that's what I'm going to do starting in December. (Why not now? Well, because I have a GED workbook I'm being paid to write that I have to have done by the end of November, so that'll have to be my priority till then. Writing GED workbooks isn't exactly what I dream of doing, but, hey, gotta make money somehow.) So, my goal is to do the rewrites Ichor in December. (December should be slow for me in terms of other work anyway; Hollywood, like the publishing industry, basically shuts down the last two weeks of December, and I also make some money tutoring, but that's not going to be happening during the holiday break.) I hope to finish by January and early February, and then... well, then it's time to send queries out to agents and see what happens.
And while I'm doing that, I'll work on some short stories and send them out, too.
It's time to get back in the ballgame.
There is probably a better metaphor I could have used, especially since I'm not at all a sports fan.
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